Located equally between the bayous of Houston and the open Gulf waters of the Galveston, League City enjoys the cool breezes and beautiful sunsets that accompany a lifestyle on the south side of Clear Lake.

With Clear Creek, Clear Lake, and Galveston Bay at its doorstep, this fast-growing city has activities for thrill seekers and sun seekers, alike.
Clear Creek
Clear Creek is located south of Houston and forms part of the boundary between Harris County, Galveston County, Fort Bend County, and Brazoria County. It is a woodland stream in its upper reaches and widens out at the lower reaches as it nears Clear Lake providing for motorized recreational opportunities for water skiing and motorized recreational vehicles. The Clear Creek Paddle Trail, a partnership between the City of League City and Galveston County, also sits along the Clear Creek waterway and connects Lynn Gripon Park at Countryside to Walter Hall Park and Heritage Park to create a 6.5-mile paddling trail that meanders along the northern and western edges of the City. The Clear Creek Paddle Trail opened to the public in 2012.

Clear Lake
Clear Lake is a 2.5 mile, brackish water lake that empties into the west side of Galveston Bay before opening up to the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. The calm waters surrounded by residential and commercial development has contributed to the area having one of the largest concentrations of recreational boats and marinas in the United States. The local body of water is also home to the Southwest International Boat Show (April), Keels & Wheels (May), and Outlaw Challenge Powerboat races (July).

For a list of boat rentals, charter services, sailing, dinner cruises and other water activities log click here to visit our partners at Bay Area Houston.
Fishing holes
League City Parks: Countryside Park 100 Alderwood, Heritage Park 1220 Coryell St.
Fishing is also available from piers at Clear Lake, Galveston Bay and Clear Creek.
Galveston Bay
The Galveston Bay system consists of for main sub-bays: Galveston Bay proper (upper and lower), Trinity Bay, East Bay, and West Bay. The bay covers approximately 600 square miles (1,500 square kilometers) and is more than 30 miles (50 kilometers) long and 17 miles (27 kilometers) wide. Galveston Bay is on average 7 to 9 feet (3 meters) deep. This unique and complex mixing of waters from different sources provides a nursery and spawning grounds for many types of marine life including crabs, shrimp, oysters, and many varieties of fish thereby supporting a substantial recreational and commercial fishing industry. It produces more seafood than any bay in the nation except the Chesapeake Clear Lake.
Boating Facilities, Sailing, & Cruises
With a total of four marinas, League City’s location on Clear Lake is a haven for boating activities, and is home to over 7,000 recreational boats (the third-largest concentration in the country). Everything from dinner cruises, fishing charters and guides, and diving and boat rentals are available from one of the fifteen marinas presently located around Clear Lake.